Saturday, September 18, 2010

DePenDencies !

And he wanted to say , the words that she would always want to hear.
He knew he has had a million chances before, but he wanted to happen this time.
He gauged his surroundings , more to check can he actually see anything despite her now a days ?

And in vain he smiled , and said a few worthy words.
She smiled and said , " you have to answer this one , to make me yours forever "

He agreed . Yielded again .

She asked , " There are dependencies in love , and love towards certain dependencies . Which one of them do you think you belong ? "

Came close, she ignored .

He smiled . This time not in vain 

Whispered  , " I always thought I'm in love with a dependency , your presence was something that I was dependent on , until it affected me right now, when you ignored my presence.  "

She smiled . As someone stolen!